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RStudio Basic - 02.10.2024 - Registration OPEN

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on various UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS.

RStudio is an essential tool for anyone involved in R programming. It plays a vital role in data analysis by facilitating data import, access, transformation, exploration, visualization, and modeling tasks. If you’re embarking on your journey to learn R, now is the perfect moment to familiarize yourself with RStudio. Discover what RStudio is, how to install it, and begin harnessing its capabilities to enhance your data analysis and programming skills.

It would be beneficial to participate in OpenRefine course, so your data would be clean before you start analysing it.

Course at Basel, Switzerland: Introduction to Bayesian Statistics with R

This 2-day course will introduce participants to the core concepts of Bayesian statistics through lectures and practical exercises. The exercises will be implemented in the widely used R programming language and the Rstan library. They will enable participants to use standard Bayesian statistical tools and interpret their results.

Registration deadline: April 22, 2024 or as soon as the course is full

More Info and Registration


We are inviting you to join our unique Single-cell summer school which covers all important steps during immune cell processing, sample preparation for single-cell sequencing and data analysis. This eight days intensive hands-on school focuses on experiment design, sample selection and preparation, quality control, sequencing, understanding NGS data formats, sequence editing, read mapping, handling potential problems and finally data interpretation.

Registration deadline: 5th of May 2024.

More Info and Registration

RStudio algajale - 22.03.2024, Tallinn - Kutsega

R on tasuta tarkvarakeskkond statistilise arvutamise ja graafika jaoks. See kompileerib ja töötab erinevatel UNIX platvormidel, Windowsil ja MacOS-il.

RStudio on oluline tööriist kõigile, kes tegelevad R programmeerimisega. See mängib olulist rolli andmeanalüüsis, hõlbustades andmete importimist, juurdepääsu, transformeerimist, uurimist, visualiseerimist ja modelleerimist. Kui alustate oma teekonda R-i õppimisel, siis on nüüd ideaalne hetk tutvuda RStudioga. Avastage, mis on RStudio, ja alustage selle võimaluste kasutamist oma andmeanalüüsi ja programmeerimisoskuste täiustamiseks.

Course at Bern, Switzerland: Single-Cell Transcriptomics with R

Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) allows researchers to study gene expression at the single cell level. For example, scRNAseq can help to identify expression patterns that differ between conditions within a cell-type. To generate and analyze scRNAseq data, several methods are available, all with their strengths and weaknesses depending on the researchers’ needs. This 3-day course will cover the main technologies as well as the main aspects to consider while designing a scRNAseq experiment. In addition, it will cover the theoretical background of analysis methods with hands-on practical data analysis sessions applied to droplet-based methods.

Application deadline: 06 March 2024

More Info and Registration

RStudio Basic - 24.10.2023

  • Time: 24.10.2023  9:00- 12:00
  • Type: Workshop
  • Language: English
  • Duration: 3h
  • Location: Delta building, Narva mnt 18 room 2005, Tartu
  • Audience: students, researchers
  • Instructor: Priit Adler, PhD

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on various UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS.

RStudio is an essential tool for anyone involved in R programming. It plays a vital role in data analysis by facilitating data import, access, transformation, exploration, visualization, and modeling tasks.If you're embarking on your journey to learn R, now is the perfect moment to familiarize yourself with RStudio. Discover what RStudio is, how to install it, and begin harnessing its capabilities to enhance your data analysis and programming skills.

This workshop will be followed up by “Visualisation with RStudio”  

Learning outcomes for the participants:

  • Navigate RStudio features, write and execute R scripts, and manage projects efficiently within the IDE.
  • Import, clean, and manipulate data


We ask you to register responsibly. If you can't attend the lecture, please let us know as soon as possible via email (


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Applications are accepted manually within a few days.