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data management

Virtual 2 Day Workshop SABIO-RK and FAIRDOMHub / FAIRDOM-SEEK

SABIO-RK is a manually curated database for biochemical reactions and their kinetic properties. FAIRDOMHub is a free research data management platform built upon the FAIRDOM-SEEK software. FAIRDOM-SEEK contains specific features for systems biologists for data and model management. This is an introductory course for SABIO-RK and FAIRDOMHub. You have the option to participate in either one or both of the courses.

SABIO-RK: 25-NOV-2024 2:00 pm - 5:00pm (CET / UTC +1)

FAIRDOM-SEEK: 26-NOV-2024 2:00 pm - 6:00pm (CET / UTC +1)

More Info and Registration

Crash Course in Data Management - 18.09.2024 - Registration OPEN

Data management is an essential part of scientific research and is crucial for maximizing the value of data. Crash course in Data Management is an introductory course that equips researchers with the necessary skills for effective organization and management of research data. Participants will gain knowledge of best practices in data documentation, backup, and sharing. We will go through exercises and assignments to reinforce new knowledge.

Nextflow for beginners - 3-day course (19.04; 26.04; 3.05), Tartu - Course is full

This 3-day Nextflow course by ELIXIR Estonia, in collaboration with the University of Tartu HPC Center, comprehensively introduces the powerful workflow language. Nextflow is renowned for its robust, scalable, and reproducible methods of running computational pipelines. Through efficient, interactive lessons, participants will gain a solid understanding of Nextflow technology, from fundamental to advanced concepts.

Bring your own DMP workshop - 1.03.2024, Tartu

According to the Estonian Research Council funding agreement, all the projects that have started in 2022 have to submit a data management plan (DMP) within the first six months. Since this will be new for many researchers, ELIXIR Estonia will do a data management writing course. During the workshop, we will discuss the different aspects of the DMP and give more practical advice. There will be 3-4 30-minute writing sessions where you can write your DMP. Also, if you have any questions, the organiser will help you as best as they can.

Bring your own DMP workshop - 8.03.2024, Tartu - Cancelled

According to the Estonian Research Council funding agreement, all the projects that have started in 2022 have to submit a data management plan (DMP) within the first six months. Since this will be new for many researchers, ELIXIR Estonia will do a data management writing course. During the workshop, we will discuss the different aspects of the DMP and give more practical advice. There will be 3-4 30-minute writing sessions where you can write your DMP. Also, if you have any questions, the organiser will help you as best as they can.

Bring your own DMP workshop - 15.03.2024, Tartu - Invite only

According to the Estonian Research Council funding agreement, all the projects that have started in 2022 have to submit a data management plan (DMP) within the first six months. Since this will be new for many researchers, ELIXIR Estonia will do a data management writing course. During the workshop, we will discuss the different aspects of the DMP and give more practical advice. There will be 3-4 30-minute writing sessions where you can write your DMP. Also, if you have any questions, the organiser will help you as best as they can.

Bring your own DMP workshop - 22.03.2024, Tartu - course is full

According to the Estonian Research Council funding agreement, all the projects that have started in 2022 have to submit a data management plan (DMP) within the first six months. Since this will be new for many researchers, ELIXIR Estonia will do a data management writing course. During the workshop, we will discuss the different aspects of the DMP and give more practical advice. There will be 3-4 30-minute writing sessions where you can write your DMP. Also, if you have any questions, the organiser will help you as best as they can.

Lühidalt FAIR-ist - 02.05.2024, Tallinn - kutsega

FAIR põhimõtted, mis esmakordselt avaldati 2016. aastal, sisaldavad häid andmehaldustavasid, mille eesmärk on muuta andmed leitavaks, ligipääsetavaks, ühilduvaks ja taaskasutatavaks. Iga täht FAIR-is viitab põhimõtete (15) loendile. Kuigi FAIR põhimõtted pärinevad loodusteadustest, saab neid rakendada kõigis teadusvaldkondades. Alates nende avaldamisest on Euroopa Liit, riiklikud rahastajad ja ülikoolid väljendanud nende põhimõtete toetust ja heakskiitu. Ja olgem ausad, mõnda neist asjadest te teete ilmselt juba praegu. Sellel kursusel käime läbi kõik FAIR põhimõtted ja kuidas neid reaalses elus rakendatakse. Nii tead juba, mida taotluse kirjutamisel, oma andmehalduskava täites või oma uurimistööd tehes arvesse võtta.

Webinar by CECAM-HQ: Awareness in Data Management and Analysis for Industry and Research

Here we offer a two-day workshop with the primary aim of introducing participants to good enough practices for managing their data. On the first day, participants will learn about the basics of data management, good research practices, Common European Data Spaces, data management and governance in industry and data management plans. On the second day, participants will learn how to organise their data, how to make it FAIR, about electronic lab notebooks and how to make their computational results reproducible.

Registration deadline: February 25, 2024

More Info and Registration