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Webinar: ISMARA and CREMA: automatically inferring gene regulatory networks from gene expression, chromatin accessibility or epigenome data

This course is aimed at PhD students, post-docs and researchers in life sciences wanting to make computational inferences about gene regulation from gene expression data, chromatin accessibility and epigenetic mark data. The course is targeted to a wide audience ranging from computational biologists and bioinformatics researchers who regularly analyse transcriptome and epigenome data, to experimental researchers interested in inferring key regulatory interactions in their own data.

Application deadline: 28 August 2024

Date: 30 August 2024

More Info and Registration

Webinar: Where do I start with FAIRification of sensitive data?

This workshop will present a general overview of data sensitivity in relation to sharing and reuse; two presentations on aspects of sensitive data in different research areas; a focus on Persistent Identifiers and data handling of sensitive data; and an opportunity to join in the discussion with the presenters and with each other.

Date: 25th June at 14:00-15:15 CEST

More Info and Registration

Webinar: How FAIRsharing helps you enable FAIR: focus on standards, repositories and policies

This workshop is designed for trainers, anyone developing or maintaining repositories, standards, and policies, librarians, data stewards, and those assisting researchers. However, all Life Science research data community members and beyond – including researchers themselves – are most welcome.

Date: 27 June 2024

More Info and Registration

Webinar by CECAM-HQ: Awareness in Data Management and Analysis for Industry and Research

Here we offer a two-day workshop with the primary aim of introducing participants to good enough practices for managing their data. On the first day, participants will learn about the basics of data management, good research practices, Common European Data Spaces, data management and governance in industry and data management plans. On the second day, participants will learn how to organise their data, how to make it FAIR, about electronic lab notebooks and how to make their computational results reproducible.

Registration deadline: February 25, 2024

More Info and Registration

ONLINE seminar: Research Code Review by Open Science Coffee

On September 1st (2021), 10-11am CEST, Open Science Coffee will be holding an online seminar "Research Code Review". 

More researchers are writing code to process, analyse and visualise their data. For reproducible and robust research, it is increasingly important that this code is reviewed. Join this inaugural Open Science Coffee to learn more and discuss best practices, challenges and opportunities in reviewing research code. 

Register before seminar in here: 
More information: 

“How FAIR are you” Webinar Series and Hackathon (Jan-Apr 2021) organised by CINECA

The “How FAIR are you” webinar series and hackathon aim at increasing and facilitating the uptake of FAIR approaches into software, training materials and cohort data, to facilitate responsible and ethical data and resource sharing and implementation of federated applications for data analysis.

The hackathon will be a practical online event to investigate gaps in the application of FAIR principles to project outputs and facilitate the implementation of FAIR approaches, where possible. The Hackathon will focus on cohort data, software tools including workflows, algorithms as well as web services, and training materials. The hackathon will be preceded by a “How FAIR are you” webinar series to provide background and introduce theoretical concepts that might be useful during the practical sessions. All participants are encouraged to attend or watch the recordings of the webinar series. 

The webinar topics include:

Introduction to FAIR principles - Open science through FAIR health data networks: dream or reality?  
Making Cohort data FAIR   
FAIR Software tools   
Practically Fair    
How to make training FAIR    
Ethics/ELSI considerations - From FAIR to fair data sharing

More information and registration is available at