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Online workshop: Integration of individual-level socioeconomic data for infectious diseases research and prevention in Europe

The BY-COVID project aims to make data on COVID-19 and other infectious diseases available to scientists and the wider public. This workshop targets researchers working with sensitive data and having experience with or being interested in solutions towards the integration of individual-level socio-economic data for policy-relevant infectious diseases research. This can include BY-COVID partners or anyone interested in the topic.

Registration deadline: 30th of May, 2024

Date: 6th of June 2024, 9:30 - 12:00 CET

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General information

  • Registration deadline: 30th of May, 2024
  • Date: 6th of June 2024, 9:30 - 12:00 CET
  • Location: Online
  • Fees: Free


The baseline use case, developed in the BY-COVID Demonstrator Project (WP5), is prototyping a workflow standard for population health research. This federated analysis workflow is designed to leverage real-world heterogeneous data sources from different domains in multiple countries in a privacy-preserving and interoperable way, using valuable and innovative technologies like Directed Acyclic Graphs, synthetic data, and containerisation.

More specifically, we aim to investigate the real-world effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 primary vaccination as compared to partial or no vaccination in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection in resident populations spanning different countries. For this, we have designed an observational study to emulate the hypothetical target trial to estimate the causal effect of interest.

Further developments in the baseline use case will address how to integrate additional data types. Here, we will focus on those data sources containing information on individual-level socioeconomic status (SES) originating from Social Sciences. The integration of socioeconomic data into health research has gained significant attention in recent years, acknowledging that social determinants can play a crucial role in shaping health outcomes.

Participants will have the chance to familiarise with the project and socioeconomic data requirements, mobilisation, and integration for infectious disease research, and collaborate on these issues in breakout sessions together with experts from social and health science backgrounds.


  • to identify solutions for integrating socioeconomic data in population health research;
  • generalise such solutions in various disciplinary and geographical contexts (EU-level focus);
  • translate the workshop findings into an innovative workflow standard to federated population health research.

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