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Course in Uppsala, Sweden: FAIR Training Material by Design

This course is composed of 7 sessions, based on the FAIR training handbook and 10 simple rules to make material FAIR publication. All sessions are structured in a way that complement each other aiming to introduce participants with a theoretical & hands-on approach of how to create FAIR material by design.

Registration: 11. April 2024 until 23- August 2024

Date: 18 - 19 September 2024

More Info and Registration

General information

  • Time: 18 - 19 September 2024
  • Registration deadline: 11. April 2024 until 23- August 2024
  • Location: Uppsala, Sweden. SciLifeLab Uppsala, Navet BMC, Husaregatan 3
  • Fee: Free


Sessions to be covered over the 2 days (Note: sessions and content might be slightly changed):

  • Session 0 - what is Open and FAIR
  • Session 1 - Syllabus and documentation
  • Session 2 - Training material formats and interoperability
  • Session 3 - Illustrations, aesthetics and acknowledgements
  • Session 4 - Making e-learning FAIR, challenges and possibilities
  • Session 5 - Releases and use of unique identifiers
  • Session 6 - Course metadata, standardisation and structure

Topics covered will include:

  • FAIR vs OPEN training material
  • Training material documentation and reproducibility (ontology, Learning Outcomes,etc)
  • Illustrations, keeping it FAIR
  • E-learning and videos, challenges and solutions to keep it FAIR
  • Unique identifiers and version control

Activities are thought to increase the technical skills and critical thinking during the development of a new training course. From A to Z participants are going to be challenged to work in a group to build a FAIR lesson on a topic to be presented at the end of the course. The topic will be disclaimed during the sessions, come inspired!

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • create FAIR and open training material from the start
  • apply FAIR principles to all elements of training material
  • use AI tools in content creation of FAIR training material


The following is a list of skills required for being able to follow the course and complete the exercises:

  • Familiarity with GitHub
  • Basic knowledge: To be able to make commits, create branches and issues, make pull requests.

Desirable, but not essential, skills increasing the output of the course, include:

  • Pre-reading the FAIR Training Handbook
  • Pre-reading 10 simple rules to make material FAIR publication


More Info and registration