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ELIXIR Estonia

The purpose of ELIXIR is to construct and operate a sustainable infrastructure for biological information in Europe to support life science research and its translation to medicine and the environment, the bio-industries and society. These resources include databases, software tools, training materials, cloud storage and supercomputers.

The goal of ELIXIR is to coordinate these resources so that they form a single high quality infrastructure. This coordinated infrastructure makes it easier for researchers to find and share data, analyse their experiments, exchange knowledge, and agree on best practices.

Estonia joined ELIXIR as a full member in December 2013. The Estonian node focuses on developing and maintaining software tools and databases, linking of bioinformatics and biobanking, and last but not least, training researchers across borders.

Estonian ELIXIR Node is led by University of Tartu. Other partners are Tallinn University of Technology, National Institute for Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn University, and Estonian University of Life Sciences.

Map of Europe highlighting ELIXIR member countries in orange

Free Spring courses 2025

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If you would like to be notified about the events, trainings and workshops running by ELIXIR Estonia, consider subscribing to the announcements mailing list

Online: Statistics and Machine Learning for Life Sciences

This course was designed to guide participants in the exploration of the concepts of statistical modelling, and at the same time relate and contrast them with machine learning approaches when it comes to both classification and regression. A particular focus will be given on the evaluation of the relevance of the produced models, and their interpretation in order to provide new biological knowledge.

Application deadline: 20 March 2025

Time: 03 - 04 April 2025

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Course in Sweden: Advanced Data Visualization

This course is designed to help researchers in visualizing their data through various techniques using R and Quarto. Participants will learn how to create publication-ready visualisations with R. Additionally, the course also includes introductions to Quarto and dynamic plotting using tools like plotly, OJS, etc. The last day of the course includes interactive plotting that can be hosted on a web server, enabling researchers to share and explore visualizations of their data.

Application deadline: 31 March 2025

Time: 13 May- 15 May 2025

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Czechia: 6th Hands-on Computational Enzyme Design Course

Do you need to engineer your protein of interest? Do you wish to employ user-friendly one-stop-shop software tools for the design of mutations and libraries, but do not want to spend time on tedious installations or use the Unix command-line? This interactive course will provide essential theory on different areas of enzyme engineering and hands-on experience with several software tools suitable for mining new enzymes, and engineering the activity, specificity, enantioselectivity, stability, and solubility of enzymes. To remain at the cutting edge of scientific advancements, we will also explore the applications of machine learning techniques and quantum computing in enzyme design.

Application deadline early bird: 31.3.2025

Application deadline: 30.4.2025

Date: 2 - 5 JUNE, 2025

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E-Learning: Metadata in Bioinformatics

Have you heard the word metadata but have no idea what it refers to, what type of content is found in metadata, how it is being used and why to use it? This asynchronous e-learning course (1h) can be completed online, at the desired pace and in the absence of an instructor.

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E-learning: Elements of Supercomputing

This free online course is open for everyone interested in supercomputers and high performance computing. Level: Basic, no prerequisites or study rights to higher education institution needed.

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