Introduction to statistics with R - 18.02.2025 and 25.02.2025
This is a 2-day workshop for biologists needing to perform statistical analyses using R.
This is a 2-day workshop for biologists needing to perform statistical analyses using R.
In this course, participants will learn to utilize the ggplot2 package, a widely-used tool in R for creating visually appealing and highly customizable graphs.
R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on various UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS.
RStudio is an essential tool for anyone involved in R programming. It plays a vital role in data analysis by facilitating data import, access, transformation, exploration, visualization, and modeling tasks. If you’re embarking on your journey to learn R, now is the perfect moment to familiarize yourself with RStudio. Discover what RStudio is, how to install it, and begin harnessing its capabilities to enhance your data analysis and programming skills.
It would be beneficial to participate in OpenRefine course, so your data would be clean before you start analysing it.
The aim of the course is to give the participants the basics to be able to independently work in R.
Me teeme andmete visualiseerimist kasutades ggplot2 paketti, mis on R-s laialdaselt kasutatav, ning loodud visuaalselt atraktiivsete ja kõrgelt kohandatavate graafikute loomiseks.
R on tasuta tarkvarakeskkond statistilise arvutamise ja graafika jaoks. See kompileerib ja töötab erinevatel UNIX platvormidel, Windowsil ja MacOS-il.
RStudio on oluline tööriist kõigile, kes tegelevad R programmeerimisega. See mängib olulist rolli andmeanalüüsis, hõlbustades andmete importimist, juurdepääsu, transformeerimist, uurimist, visualiseerimist ja modelleerimist. Kui alustate oma teekonda R-i õppimisel, siis on nüüd ideaalne hetk tutvuda RStudioga. Avastage, mis on RStudio, ja alustage selle võimaluste kasutamist oma andmeanalüüsi ja programmeerimisoskuste täiustamiseks.
ELIXIR Estonia is continuing with the data management-related lectures and workshops this semester. To get more information about these courses, read below and visit
ELIXIR Estonia is continuing with the data management-related lectures and workshops this semester. To get more information about these courses, read below and visit
We ask you to register responsibly. If you can't attend the lecture, please let us know as soon as possible via email (
Version control serves as the digital equivalent of a lab notebook. It is employed by professionals to monitor their progress and collaborate effectively. Its utility extends beyond software development; it can be used for books, papers, small datasets, or any evolving content that requires sharing.
Git is a globally adopted tool that helps developers manage changes in collaborative projects. Keeping a record of changes, complete with timestamps and explanations, becomes exceptionally valuable when returning to a project in the future, like a year later when recollection may be unclear.
Learning outcomes for the participants:
We ask you to register responsibly. If you can't attend the lecture, please let us know as soon as possible via email (
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Applications are accepted manually within a few days.
“Visualisation with RStudio” will be a follow-up to “RStudio Basic” workshop and “Data visualisation” webinar. We will do data visualisation using ggplot2 package. ggplot2 is a widely-used data visualization package in R, designed to create visually appealing and highly customizable graphics.
Learning outcomes for the participants:
We ask you to register responsibly. If you can't attend the lecture, please let us know as soon as possible via email (
Course is full.
In order to not miss out on a course next time, subscribe to our newsletter at
Applications are accepted manually within a few days.