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FAIR principles

Webinar: Where do I start with FAIRification of sensitive data?

This workshop will present a general overview of data sensitivity in relation to sharing and reuse; two presentations on aspects of sensitive data in different research areas; a focus on Persistent Identifiers and data handling of sensitive data; and an opportunity to join in the discussion with the presenters and with each other.

Date: 25th June at 14:00-15:15 CEST

More Info and Registration

Webinar: How FAIRsharing helps you enable FAIR: focus on standards, repositories and policies

This workshop is designed for trainers, anyone developing or maintaining repositories, standards, and policies, librarians, data stewards, and those assisting researchers. However, all Life Science research data community members and beyond – including researchers themselves – are most welcome.

Date: 27 June 2024

More Info and Registration

Course in Uppsala, Sweden: FAIR Training Material by Design

This course is composed of 7 sessions, based on the FAIR training handbook and 10 simple rules to make material FAIR publication. All sessions are structured in a way that complement each other aiming to introduce participants with a theoretical & hands-on approach of how to create FAIR material by design.

Registration: 11. April 2024 until 23- August 2024

Date: 18 - 19 September 2024

More Info and Registration

Lühidalt FAIR-ist - 02.05.2024, Tallinn - kutsega

FAIR põhimõtted, mis esmakordselt avaldati 2016. aastal, sisaldavad häid andmehaldustavasid, mille eesmärk on muuta andmed leitavaks, ligipääsetavaks, ühilduvaks ja taaskasutatavaks. Iga täht FAIR-is viitab põhimõtete (15) loendile. Kuigi FAIR põhimõtted pärinevad loodusteadustest, saab neid rakendada kõigis teadusvaldkondades. Alates nende avaldamisest on Euroopa Liit, riiklikud rahastajad ja ülikoolid väljendanud nende põhimõtete toetust ja heakskiitu. Ja olgem ausad, mõnda neist asjadest te teete ilmselt juba praegu. Sellel kursusel käime läbi kõik FAIR põhimõtted ja kuidas neid reaalses elus rakendatakse. Nii tead juba, mida taotluse kirjutamisel, oma andmehalduskava täites või oma uurimistööd tehes arvesse võtta.

FAIR in a Nutshell - 16.02.2023

On the 16th of February 2023, ELIXIR-Estonia will be holding an online data management course in English: FAIR in a Nutshell. This lecture will be a short overview of the FAIR principles and is part of a bigger data management course package aimed at DMP writers and grant applicants.

In recent years, more attention has been put on what researchers do with the data they produce. Especially in Europe (think GDPR), but also everywhere else. The main idea is that when researchers use taxpayers' money, the taxpayers themselves should also have access to the results free of charge. This means that the research should be published in open-access journals, and data should be made publicly available.

Good data management helps to make the whole process of making data reusable easier. In general, you should think about how to manage your data at the beginning and during the project and know what you plan to do with it at the end of the project. However, what is “good data management” exactly is up for debate. The FAIR Principles concentrate on making your data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable, so this is a good start. And let’s be honest, some of these things you probably are already doing.

In this course, we will be going over all the FAIR Principles and how they are applied in real life. This way, you will already know what to consider while writing a grant, filling out your data management plan or doing your research.


Information about the lecture

Date: 16.02.2023

Language: English

Time: 10:00 - 12:00

Place: Zoom, link will be sent a couple of days before the lecture


We ask you to register responsibly. If you can't attend the lecture, please let us know as soon as possible via email (


Register: closed


In order to not miss out a course next time, subscribe to our newsletter at


Learning outcomes:

  • Understands the importance of a good data management
  • Knows what are the FAIR principles and what they mean
  • Knows how to implement FAIR principles throughout the research project
  • Knows where to get more information about the FAIR Principles


Metadata and README - 13.04.2023

On the 13th of April, 2023, ELIXIR-Estonia will hold a data management lecture: Metadata and README. This lecture will be held in English and will be held onlineIn general, metadata is the descriptive information about your data. However, what exactly is metadata, and how much of it should be included with your data? 

Good metadata can make up for human fallibilities. People forget and misplace things and leave research projects with their knowledge of the research methodology and the data. Metadata ensures that we will be able to find the data, use it, preserve and reuse it in the future.

This means that the metadata provides additional information that helps data consumers better to understand the meaning and the structure of the dataset and to clarify other issues, such as rights and license terms, the organization that generated the data, data quality, data access methods, and the update schedule of datasets. Additionally, metadata also gives information about the data in general. What an actual metadata file includes varies between disciplines and types of data you are working with. However, the documentation for your data should contain the minimum information required to be able to reuse (or understand) the data described. 

In the lecture, we will be going over what exactly metadata is, the minimum information that should be included with each of the scientific results you are sharing, and how exactly you can write a README file. 


Information about the lecture

Date: 13.04.2023

Language: English

Time: 10:00-12:00

Place: Zoom, the link will be sent a couple of days before the lecture

Registration is closed.


We do ask you to register for the lecture responsibly. If you can’t attend the course, please let us know as soon as possible via email at

In order to not miss out a course next time, subscribe to our newsletter at 


Learning outcomes for the participants: 

  • Understands the importance of good data management
  • Knows what metadata means in data files
  • Knows how to add metadata to the data
  • Knows what should be included in the README file
  • Can write a simple README file to accompany the data

Spring semester ELIXIR courses

ELIXIR Estonia is continuing with the data management-related lectures and workshops this semester. To get more information about these courses, read below and visit  

We do ask you to register for the lecture responsibly. If you can’t attend the course, please let us know as soon as possible via email at