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Data Visualisation I - Figures - 18.04.2023

Due to high demand, on the 4th of April 2023, ELIXIR-Estonia will hold a repeat data management online course: Data Visualization I - Figures. The course will be held in English

All researchers will be handling some data at some point in their careers. However, the data, in its regular shape (tables), is quite hard to grasp for most people. Especially if there is a lot of it, this is where data visualization comes to help. The idea is to bring forth the essential aspects of the data - to tell a story. However, just putting data into a graph or figure might do more harm than good. Not only could it give wrong conclusions, but it also might be misleading. This is one of the main reasons why the exact way how you visualize the data is fundamental. 

This lecture is part of a series of lectures and workshops called “Data visualisation.” The first lecture will discuss why data visualisation is important and what we should consider when designing it. This means what chart type to pick, how much information to include, what (and how) to highlight, and so on. This lecture will be followed up by a workshop in May. 


Information about the lecture

Date: 18.04.2023

Language: English

Time: 10:00-12:00

Place: Zoom, the link will be sent a couple of days before the lecture

Registration is closed


We do ask you to register for the lecture responsibly. If you can’t attend the course, please let us know as soon as possible via email at


Learning outcomes for the participants: 

  • Understands how to tell a story through data visualization
  • Knows what chart type to pick for different kinds of data
  • Knows what to pay attention to while designing a figure

Data Visualisation I - Figures - 4.04.2023

On the 4th of April 2023, ELIXIR-Estonia will hold a data management online course: Data Visualization I - Figures. The course will be held in English

All researchers will be handling some data at some point in their careers. However, the data, in its regular shape (tables), is quite hard to grasp for most people. Especially if there is a lot of it, this is where data visualization comes to help. The idea is to bring forth the essential aspects of the data - to tell a story. However, just putting data into a graph or figure might do more harm than good. Not only could it give wrong conclusions, but it also might be misleading. This is one of the main reasons why the exact way how you visualize the data is fundamental. 

This lecture is part of a series of lectures and workshops called “Data visualisation.” The first lecture will discuss why data visualisation is important and what we should consider when designing it. This means what chart type to pick, how much information to include, what (and how) to highlight, and so on. This lecture will be followed up by a workshop in May. 


Information about the lecture

Date: 4.04.2023

Language: English

Time: 10:00-12:00

Place: Zoom, the link will be sent a couple of days before the lecture

Register: registration is closed


We do ask you to register for the lecture responsibly. If you can’t attend the course, please let us know as soon as possible via email at


Learning outcomes for the participants: 

  • Understands how to tell a story through data visualization
  • Knows what chart type to pick for different kinds of data
  • Knows what to pay attention to while designing a figure

Data Visualisation I - Figures workshop - 2.05.2023

“Data Visualisation I - Figures workshop” will be a follow-up to “Data Visualisation I - Figures” lecture. During the face-to-face workshop held in English we will do data visualisation using ggplot2 and Tableau. We will compare the user experience and the aesthetics of the results of both visualisation options. We will also put to use our knowledge of good practices in data visualisation we learned in the lecture.


Information about the lecture

Date: 2.05.2023

Language: English

Time: 14:00-17:00

City: Tartu 

Place: Delta, Narva mnt 18 ROOM 1005


Registration closed.


Bring your own laptop!


We do ask you to register for the lecture responsibly. If you can’t attend the course, please let us know as soon as possible via email at


In order to not miss out a course next time, subscribe to our newsletter at 


Learning outcomes for the participants: 

  • Knows what chart type to pick for different kinds of data
  • Knows what to pay attention to while designing a figure
  • Knows how to compare user experience with ggplot2 and Tableau
  • Knows how to make informative and visually appealing figures in ggplot2
  • Knows how to make informative and visually appealing figures in Tableau

Spring semester ELIXIR courses

ELIXIR Estonia is continuing with the data management-related lectures and workshops this semester. To get more information about these courses, read below and visit  

We do ask you to register for the lecture responsibly. If you can’t attend the course, please let us know as soon as possible via email at

Autumn semester Data Management courses

ELIXIR Estonia is continuing with the data management-related lectures and workshops this semester. To get more information about these courses, read below and visit


Face-to-Face (F2F) lectures will take place at the Delta building in Tartu (Narva mnt 18, Tartu). 

ONLINE workshops will be held through Zoom (the meeting link will be sent a couple of days before the workshop). 


  • 13.09.2022 - Metadata and README (lecture, F2F, 2h) CLOSED


More information: 

  • 27.09.2022 - Licensing Research Outputs (lecture, F2F, 2h) CLOSED


More information: 

  • 4.10.2022 - How to Make Your Messy Data Usable? - PART 1 (workshop, ONLINE, 2h + independent work) CLOSED


More information: 

  • 25.10.2022 - Data Visualization I - Figures (lecture, F2F, 2h) CLOSED


More information: 

  • 1.11.2022 - Crash Course of GDPR (lecture, F2F, 2h) - Cancelled


More information: 

  • 8.11.2022 - How to Make Your Messy Data Usable? - PART 2 (workshop, ONLINE, 1h + independent work) CLOSED


More information: 


We do ask you to register for the lecture responsibly. If you can’t attend the course, please let us know as soon as possible via email at

Data Visualization I - Figures lecture - 25.10.2022

On the 25th of October 2022, ELIXIR-Estonia will hold a new data management online course: Data Visualization I - Figures. The course will be held in English. 

All researchers will be handling some data at some point in their careers. However, the data, in its regular shape (tables), is quite hard to grasp for most people. Especially if there is a lot of it, this is where data visualization comes to help. The idea is to bring forth the essential aspects of the data - to tell a story. However, just putting data into a graph or figure might do more harm than good. Not only could it give wrong conclusions, but it also might be misleading. This is one of the main reasons why the exact way how you visualize the data is fundamental. 

This lecture is part of a series of lectures and workshops called “Data visualization.” The first lecture will discuss why data visualization is important and what we should consider when designing it. This means what chart type to pick, how much information to include, what (and how) to highlight, and so on. 


Information about the lecture

Lecture: 25th of October, 2022 at 14:15 (lecture, 2h)

Place: Delta Building, r1022 (Narva mnt 18), TARTU


Registration closes at 23:59 on 20.10.2022 or when the course gets full.


Learning outcomes for the participants: 

  • Understands how to tell a story through data visualization
  • Knows what chart type to pick for different kinds of data
  • Knows what to pay attention to while designing a figure


F2F lectures will take place at the Delta building in Tartu (Narva mnt 18, Tartu).

We do ask you to register for the lecture responsibly. If you can’t attend the course, please let us know as soon as possible via email at