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Genoomika taristu arengusuundadest Euroopas ja Eestis

Presentation about the directions of Genomic Infrastructure in Europe and Estonia by Hedi Peterson. The presentation took place at the annual conference of Estonian Human Genetics Association in Rakvere, October 19th, 2023.

Andmekaitse ja infoturve teadustöös/Data protection in research


Avatud teadus Eestis kutsub avatud juurdepääsu nädalal (23-27.10) teadlasi, doktorante, teadusadministraatoreid, raamatukoguhoidjaid ja teisi huvilisi veebiseminarile: „Andmekaitse ja infoturve teadustöös“. Üritus toimub 25.10. kell 13.00-14.30 Zoomi keskkonnas.
Veebiseminaril on kolm ettekannet, millest kaks on eesti keelsed ning üks inglise keelne.
Veebiseminaril tutvustatakse juhendit „Andmekaitse teadustöös“ (Marten Juurik, ETAG/TÜ), infoturvet ning selle seost teadustööga (Toomas Lepik, TalTech) ja anonümiseerimistööriista Amnesia (Manolis Terrovitis, OpenAIRE – inglise keeles algusega kell 14.00).



During the Open Access Week (23-27.10), Open Science in Estonia invites researchers, doctoral students, research administrators, librarians, and other interested parties to a webinar „Data protection in Research“. The event will take place on 25.10. from 13:00 to 14:30 in the Zoom environment. The webinar will feature three presentations, two of which will be in Estonian, and one in English. The presentations will cover the following topics: Introduction to the "Data Protection in Research" guide (Marten Juurik, ETAG/UT), information security and its relevance to research (Toomas Lepik, TalTech) and introduction to the anonymization tool, Amnesia (Manolis Terrovitis, OpenAIRE – starting at 14:00 in English). Event will be recorded and shared through UT DSpace.


Autumn semester ELIXIR courses

ELIXIR Estonia is continuing with the data management-related lectures and workshops this semester. To get more information about these courses, read below and visit  


We ask you to register responsibly. If you can't attend the lecture, please let us know as soon as possible via email (


How to make your messy data usable? / OpenRefine - 30.11.2023

  • Time: 30.11.2023 13:00-17:00
  • Type: Workshop
  • Language: English
  • Duration: 4h
  • Location: Delta building, Narva mnt 18 room 1008, Tartu
  • Audience: People, who need to clean messy data
  • Instructor: Diana Pilvar, MSc

The practical workshop on cleaning your messy data with OpenRefine software.

First, we will cover spreadsheet best practices. Then, we will put that knowledge into practice with OpenRefine. This course will explore the depths of OpenRefine software and see what it can offer. This will include cleaning the data in bigger batches and unifying the data in one sweep (transforms and expressions). Additionally, we will introduce the possibility of downloading additional data from other databases and different extensions OpenRefine software has.

Learning outcomes for the participants: 

  • Describe spreadsheet best practices
  • Compare Excel and OpenRefine
  • Apply transforms (cell editing, column editing, transposing) in OpenRefine
  • Write simple expressions in OpenRefine
  • Match your dataset with that of an external source 

We ask you to register responsibly. If you can't attend the lecture, please let us know as soon as possible via email (

In order to not miss out on a course next time, subscribe to our newsletter at
Applications are accepted manually within a few days. 

Version Control with Git - RStudio - 5.12.2023 - registration open

  • Time: 5.12.2023 11:00-16:00 
  • Type: Workshop
  • Language: English
  • Duration: 5h
  • Location: Delta building, Narva mnt 18 room 2005, Tartu
  • Audience: Everyone who needs versioning
  • Instructor: Priit Adler, PhD

Version control serves as the digital equivalent of a lab notebook. It is employed by professionals to monitor their progress and collaborate effectively. Its utility extends beyond software development; it can be used for books, papers, small datasets, or any evolving content that requires sharing.

Git is a globally adopted tool that helps developers manage changes in collaborative projects. Keeping a record of changes, complete with timestamps and explanations, becomes exceptionally valuable when returning to a project in the future, like a year later when recollection may be unclear.

Learning outcomes for the participants: 

  • Describe the importance of version control
  • Create a repository in Git
  • Track changes and collaborate in Git
  • Solve conflicts in Git

We ask you to register responsibly. If you can't attend the lecture, please let us know as soon as possible via email (



In order to not miss out on a course next time, subscribe to our newsletter at
Applications are accepted manually within a few days. 

Visualisation with RStudio - 14.11.2023

  • Time:  14.11.2023 9:00-12:00
  • Type: Workshop
  • Language: English
  • Duration: 3h
  • Location: Delta building, Narva mnt 18 room 2005, Tartu
  • Audience: students, researchers
  • Instructor: Priit Adler, PhD

“Visualisation with RStudio” will be a follow-up to “RStudio Basic” workshop and “Data visualisation” webinar. We will do data visualisation using ggplot2 package. ggplot2 is a widely-used data visualization package in R, designed to create visually appealing and highly customizable graphics.

Learning outcomes for the participants: 

  • Create insightful data visualisations and customize aesthetics using RStudio
  • Uncover patterns, relationships, and anomalies within datasets


We ask you to register responsibly. If you can't attend the lecture, please let us know as soon as possible via email (

Course is full.


In order to not miss out on a course next time, subscribe to our newsletter at
Applications are accepted manually within a few days. 

Andmehaldus 101 - 12.10.2023

  • Aeg: 12.10.2023 9:30-12:30
  • Tüüp:  zoom (link saadetakse mõned päevad enne koolitust)
  • Keel: Eesti keel 
  • Kestus: 3h
  • Asukoht: online
  • Sihtgrupp: Kõik, kellel on andmed
  • Lektor: Diana Pilvar, MSc

Andmehaldus on oluline osa teadustööst ja on hädavajalik andmetest maksimumi saamiseks. 

Andmehalduses 101 on sissejuhatav online-kursus, mis varustab teadlasi vajalike oskustega uurimisandmete tõhusaks organiseerimiseks ja haldamiseks.  Osalejad saavad teadmisi parimatest praktikatest andmete dokumenteerimise, varundamise ja  jagamise kohta. Teeme läbi harjutusi ning ülesandeid uute teadmiste kinnistamiseks.


  • Rakendada parimaid tavasid failide nimetamisel ja kaustade struktureerimisel
  • Valida ja rakendada asjakohaseid ontoloogiaid ja metaandmete standardeid
  • Kirjeldada andmete salvestamise ja varundamise strateegiaid
  • Valida õige litsents oma andmetele/avaldatud tulemustele

Palume teil registreeruda vastutustundlikult. Kui te ei saa loengule osaleda, palun teavitage meid võimalikult kiiresti e-posti teel (


Uute kursustega kursis olemiseks liituge meie uudiskirjaga meililistiga: 

Taotlusi võetakse vastu mõne päeva jooksul käsitsi.

Data visualisation - 9.11.2023

  • Time: 9.11.2023 10:00-12:00
  • Type: Zoom (link will be sent a few days before the webinar)
  • Language: English
  • Duration: 2h
  • Location: Online
  • Audience: students, researchers
  • Speaker: Diana Pilvar, MSc

In the course of their work, researchers encounter data in various forms. Yet, when data is presented in its raw, tabular form, it often appears as a complex puzzle. This can be especially overwhelming when dealing with large datasets. Fortunately, this is where the magic of data visualization comes into play. The main idea is to extract the key insights from the data and craft a narrative around it. However, it's important to note that hasty chart-making can lead to confusion. Poorly designed visuals not only risk misinterpretation but can also be misleading. That's why it's crucial to approach data visualization thoughtfully and precisely.

This webinar will discuss why data visualisation is important and what we should consider when designing it. This means what chart type to pick, how much information to include, what (and how) to highlight, and so on. The webinar will have a theoretical aspect, and we will assess examples from real life.

This lecture will be followed up by a separate workshop on the 14th of November called “RStudio Visualisation,” where you can put your knowledge into practice. 


Learning outcomes for the participants: 

  • Choose appropriate chart types
  • Avoid common mistakes in data visualisation
  • Maximise data-ink ratio


We ask you to register responsibly. If you can't attend the lecture, please let us know as soon as possible via email (

In order to not miss out on a course next time, subscribe to our newsletter at
Applications are accepted manually within a few days.

RStudio Basic - 24.10.2023

  • Time: 24.10.2023  9:00- 12:00
  • Type: Workshop
  • Language: English
  • Duration: 3h
  • Location: Delta building, Narva mnt 18 room 2005, Tartu
  • Audience: students, researchers
  • Instructor: Priit Adler, PhD

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on various UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS.

RStudio is an essential tool for anyone involved in R programming. It plays a vital role in data analysis by facilitating data import, access, transformation, exploration, visualization, and modeling tasks.If you're embarking on your journey to learn R, now is the perfect moment to familiarize yourself with RStudio. Discover what RStudio is, how to install it, and begin harnessing its capabilities to enhance your data analysis and programming skills.

This workshop will be followed up by “Visualisation with RStudio”  

Learning outcomes for the participants:

  • Navigate RStudio features, write and execute R scripts, and manage projects efficiently within the IDE.
  • Import, clean, and manipulate data


We ask you to register responsibly. If you can't attend the lecture, please let us know as soon as possible via email (


In order to not miss out on a course next time, subscribe to our newsletter at
Applications are accepted manually within a few days.