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Introduction of presenters of ELIXIR ESFRI 5y Celebration Week

ELIXIR Estonia is happy to welcome guests from three ELIXIR nodes abroad who will add an international touch to the events

Sarah Morgan

Sarah Morgan

Sarah is the training coordinator of the EMBL-EBI node.
After years of tumor research she switched her focus to training researchers. Currently she is training programme manager at EMBL-EBI and her everyday tasks involve coordination of training events both locally and internationally.


Melissa Burke

Melissa Burke

Melissa is scientific training officer at the EMBL-EBI training team. She is specialised in e-learning and manages online training courses that EMBL-EBI offers on variety of topics.


Kim Gurwitz

Kim Gurwitz

Kim is the ELIXIR Training Impact Coordinator, based at the University of Cambridge (ELIXIR-UK node). She coordinates the assessment of training quality and impact across ELIXIR. She was previously Training and Outreach officer at H3ABioNet, the Pan African Bioinformatics Network.


Mateusz Kuzak

Mateusz Kuzak

Mateusz is a Scientific Community Manager at ELIXIR-Neatherlands. He works at DTL at the interface of training, technology and data platforms and the research community in the Netherlands. Before joining DTL, Mateusz was building research software at the Netherlands eScience Center in collaborative projects with domain scientists. Before becoming Research Software Engineer, he worked in the field of Biophysics spending lots of time with microscopes.


Ilkka Lappalainen

Ilkka Lappalainen

Ilkka is the deputy head of node at ELIXIR-Finland. At CSC Ilkka is the head of service development for health and life sciences. He is an expert in sensitive data management and has long standing career in developing infrastructure for genomic data. Before joining CSC Ilkka worked at EMBL-EBI managing genomic variation archive services: EGA and DGVa and acting as Human Data Coordinator at the ELIXIR-Hub.