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ELIXIR ESFRI 5y Celebration Week

The Life Science Infrastructure ELIXIR is celebrating its 5 year anniversary this December. On December 18th 2013 Estonia was the 5th member country that signed the collaboration agreement, thus officially launching ELIXIR (see the old news items (eng),(est)). Therefore, to bring ELIXIR knowledge closer to our life science community in Estonia we are celebrating the 5th anniversary with a series of events in Tartu.

The main event will be ELIXIR Info Day on 14th of December where Estonian ELIXIR team gives an overview of the actions taking place in Estonia and international speakers add flavour with demonstrating what is done in different countries across Europe.

The main event is accompanied by several smaller events happening in Tartu.

On Wednesday 12th, we are organising a Train the Trainer refreshment event for the people who are actively training researchers. This event is brought to us by EMBL-EBI training team members Sarah Morgan and Melissa Burke.  

On Thursday 13th, we have Data Management - what to consider when you manage your data workshop that is targetted for the life scientists who need to handle the data they create or use. This event is also delivered to us by EMBL-EBI training team members Sarah Morgan and Melissa Burke. 

On Thursday 13th in the afternoon we have a working seminar with Ilkka Lappalainen from CSC (ELIXIR-Finland) to exchange his and Estonian experience in handling sensitive data. For participation please contact Ulvi Gerst-Talas.

On Monday the 17th, we have Kim Gurwitz from ELIXIR-UK running a workshop "Facilitating communication between individuals from different academic backgrounds in the bioinformatics space”.

Please contact Laura Altin for further information about the events (