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Basic LINUX/Unix workshop - 3.03.2023

On the 3rd of March 2023, ELIXIR-Estonia will be organising a face-to-face data management course in English: Basic LINUX/Unix workshop.

This course is aimed to provide basic survival skills in Linux and the terminal environment. We will teach you how to access files and folders, move around and hopefully shake off the fear of getting stuck somewhere along the way.

No prior knowledge is expected. 


Information about the lecture

Date: 3.03.2023

Time: 11:00 - 16:00  (lunch break 13:00-14:00)

City: Tallinn 

Place: Akadeemia tee 23 ROOM 109

Requirements: Bring your own laptop and please follow the setup tutorial: 


Registration is closed.


In order to not miss out a course next time, subscribe to our newsletter at 


Learning outcomes:

  • Obtain basic knowledge on dealing with files using command line (Linux or Mac)
  • Learn how to use search over several text files, combine files, extract certain knowledge.
  • Tips and tricks for effective command line hacks that would save a lot of time.

Bring your own DMP workshop

According to the Estonian Research Council funding agreement, all the projects that have started from 2022 have to submit a data management plan (DMP) within the first 6 months. Since this will be a new thing for a lot of researchers,  ELIXIR Estonia will be doing a data management writing course for this purpose. This workshop is part of a bigger data management course package aimed at DMP writers.

 “Bring your own DMP workshop” workshop (in English) will be a follow-up to “Open Science and DMP in Estonia” lecture. The face-to-face writing sessions will be held both in Tartu and in Tallinn. In case you need any help with the writing of the DMP part, the 7th of March 2023 (14:00-17:00) session will be held in Tartu and the 16th of March (13:00-16:00) session will be held at Tallinn

During the workshop, we will be talking about the theory of different aspects of the DMP and giving more practical advice.  There will be 3-4 30min writing sessions, where you can write most of your DMP. Also, if you have any questions, the organizer will help you as best as they can. 

In case of questions, you can contact ELIXIR Estonia ( 


Information about the lecture in Tartu

Date: 7.03.2023

Language: English

Time: 14:00-17:00

Place: Delta, Narva mnt 18 ROOM 1006

Register: the registration is closed


Information about the lecture in Tallinn

Date: 16.03.2023

Language: English

Time: 13:00-16:00

Place: Rävala pst 10, 6th floor conference room

Register: the registration is closed


We ask you to register responsibly. If you can't attend the lecture, please let us know as soon as possible via email ( 


In order to not miss out a course next time, subscribe to our newsletter at 


Learning outcomes: 

  • Knows how to write a DMP
  • Knows where to get more information about data management


Useful materials: 

Spring semester ELIXIR courses

ELIXIR Estonia is continuing with the data management-related lectures and workshops this semester. To get more information about these courses, read below and visit  

We do ask you to register for the lecture responsibly. If you can’t attend the course, please let us know as soon as possible via email at